Story thieves

People on Medium who steal others’ stories

Nathan 8
1 min readApr 4, 2020

I have been on Medium before. I used to share my thoughts in depth (stories of 5 mins max), long enough to share conflicting views, but short enough to not get boring.

But when my story was copied and rewritten by a more popular Medium writer, I felt that I am wasting my time here. Thoughts and views are not the same for everyone. Our experiences will shape them.

The idea that someone felt like they could simply steal what I had to say, my voice, and make it seem like their own was painful to me. If you are going to share someones’ thoughts then at least give them credit.

Nowadays, I’m only sharing little blobs, but deep inside I have many stories aching to be shared to the world, including the one story no one can steal from you - the story of your life.

Photo by Eduardo Pastor on Unsplash



Nathan 8

Keeping things to yourself? I wonder how long it will take for things to get too much. Express yourself!